Exhibition -
The Fifth Germination on Planet Wu @Luminance! 2012

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Exhibition: Luminance! 2012

LUMINANCE! - Singapore's inaugural Light Art Festival For youths @*Scape Youth Park 23rd June to 1st July Conceptualised and organized by The Living Project!, co-organised by *SCAPE and supported by the National Youth Council, Luminance! seeks to ignite a spark within emerging talents and aspiring artists and empower them to embrace their passion for Art.

The theme for Luminance! this year, "Dreams and Aspirations", hopes to enable youths to express their love for art less passively but to be enterprising and inventive in their approach. Luminance! will be an impactful lead up to SHINE Youth Festival as Singaporeans are meaningfully and interactively engaged through a variety of artistic creations. They can expect to experience a colourful playground of light and artistry as they are transported through a realm of whimsical imagination. There will be 28 pieces of art works curated all around *SCAPE. The collection showcased will include works from established local artists, aspiring local and overseas youth artists and artists from the special needs community.

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