薪火相傳 Kindling Aspirations

A 28th SEA Games Torch UP! Community Arts Programme. View Photo Gallery/Video

薪火相傳 (xīn huǒ xiāng chuán) Kindling Aspirations. A symbol of the little flame of passion, burning in every single person. And how this little spark, ignites a larger fire, to continually connect and inspire us, bringing us closer to our dreams. This is the spirit of the SEA Games, and the spirit of Singapore.

The Mandarin idiom of 薪火相傳 ("The flame of a burning piece of firewood will set the rest alight") figuratively represents the knowledge or skills passed down from one generation to another. It also symbolises that each flame of passion burning in each of us can spark a bigger flame, inspiring us to take a step closer to our dreams. In line with these little flames of passion, this 3-metre tall round sculpture with a central flame-like figure, is only complete upon adding symbolic '薪火 Community Flames', received from the other Torch Up! Community Torches, located at Orchard Road, Bras Basah, Sports Hub and Marina Bay through the 'ExtraOrdinary Run'. This is the spirit of the SEA Games and the spirit of Singapore. Singapore's pioneer generation worked hard to lay the foundations, and with their blessings, support and encouragement, we will keep the flames burning to reach greater heights, growing stronger, being rooted much more deeply and moving steadily in harmony with one another into the future.

Art Glass Marathon

From 22 to 26 April 2015 @ArtGlassCentre. Led by Glass Artist Tan Sock Fong, people of different ages, and from all walks of life. Create stained glass art, that will add the final touches to the Art Installation "薪火相傳 Kindling Aspirations". Unveiled at The 28th SEA Games Torch Parade, on 4th June 2015 at The Promontory @Marina Bay.

About the ExtraOrdinary Run

Although art and sports seem to be on separate ends of the spectrum, this year's focus highlights a common thread between the two—that of the triumph of the human spirit. Themed "Celebrate the Extraordinary", SEA Games 2015 inspires us to persevere in our extraordinary dreams. Together with The Living! Project, Torch Up! 2015 presents 30 Community Torches commissioned and installed across four districts—Orchard, Bras Basah, Sports Hub, and Marina Bay. To celebrate its completion, the Extraordinary Run will see artists and runners come together in the final lap of Torch Up! 2015. Runners will collect symbolic "薪火 Community Flames" from artists positioned at their artworks, which will then be added onto the final Art Installation "薪火相傳 Kindling Aspirations" at the Promontory @Marina Bay. The Extraordinary Run hopes to inspire ordinary runners to pursue the run of their lives, from ION Orchard to The Promontory. It is a celebration of the Extraordinary lives and communities that have contributed and dedicated their time and effort, and the Extraordinary stories that have been told along the way.

About Torch Up! 2015

The 28th SEA Games Torch Up! initiative is a community project, but it certainly is not your run-of-the-mill community scheme. A massive, nation-wide endeavour, Torch Up! involves a whole variety of population segments in Singapore, having been conceptualised in hopes that that there will be something for everyone during the 28th SEA Games festivities. In line with the Games' main focus of inclusiveness this year, the Torch Up! programme consists of a series of art, community, and lifestyle initiatives. It forms part of the Singapore SEA Games Organising Committee's (SINGSOC) effort to bring this multi-sport event closer to the masses. Kicking off the scheme with the Torch Up! Art Installation Series, the nation's creative minds have been working alongside members of the community to produce 30 sport-inspired structures to adorn the city ahead of the Games. These art pieces will be on display along four central districts in Singapore: Orchard, Bras Basah, Sports Hub and Marina Bay, and are all located within close proximity of each other. Occupying strategic spots along Orchard Road, the first batch of installations premiered at the One Team SG Rally last month. The public event saw the closure of traffic along the nation's shopping district to accommodate hundreds of national athletes and fans alike. The rest of the installations will be unveiled over the next couple of months in a build up to the Games, with a batch in Bras Basah debuting on 25th April. Those set to go up at the Singapore Sports Hub will be launched on 9th May, while the installations at Marina Bay will premier on 30th May. Torch Up!'s other concerted bid to engage the nation involves 20 social and sporty activities for people of all ages. This includes a very special athlete running 50 marathons over 50 days – a nod in the direction of Singapore's 50th birthday celebration – and a special mass run that allows ordinary locals to be a part of the Games' torch relay, an honour usually reserved for important members of society, athletes, and celebrities. Dubbed The Extraordinary Run, this symbolic activity will follow a specific route, taking participants through the four selected districts and past all 30 art installations. It will take place a day before the opening of the 28th SEA Games, and culminate with the final lighting of the actual Games torch on 5th June.

About the 28th SEA Games

Returning to Singapore after a 22-year hiatus, the 28th SEA Games will be held from 5-16 June 2015, with Singapore Sports Hub as the main venue for the Games. Organised by the Singapore Southeast Asian Games Organising Committee (SINGSOC), the Games is held in conjunction with Singapore's 50th anniversary and will host more than 7,000 athletes and officials from 36 sports. Adopting the theme of "Celebrate the Extraordinary", the Games will celebrate triumph of human spirit - be it in sports or daily lives; in success or in the grit to try again and again; in winning or in merely being at the start line. The 28th SEA Games will show the people of the Southeast Asia that success ultimately comes to ordinary people with extraordinary dreams. It's not about having a champion, but inspiring the champion that is inside each of us.

The Living! Project social enterprise is the Community Art Partner for the 28th SEA Games Torch UP! Programme.

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